Friday, May 16, 2008

It's almost Ricky Schroder Day!!!!

I just looked at the website for the conference tomorrow where Ricky will be speaking. I'm so excited I could burst!!!! :)

This is the picture they're using to push his speech. Like I need any further encouragement?!?! There's also a section to "Ask Brother Schroder" a question for him to incorporate into his talk. I'm thinking, "Will you marry me?" isn't exactly gospel related, so I'll resist sending him a question (although, it would be nice for me to know I've communicated with him in some way, since I'll be mute tomorrow).


  1. Oh my what a picture!!!! We will be looking for a blog update as soon as the conference is over. Wow he looks good.

  2. Ok so I need a Silver Spoons refresher. Who was the actor and actress that played his dad and that other lady? What where there character's names?

  3. Oh, come on! Ricky played Ricky Stratton (of course) and then his dad (Edward Stratton the third) was played by Joel Higgins and his dad's girlfriend (and then wife), Kate Summers, was played by Erin Gray.
