Saturday, May 17, 2008

I did it!!! :) Happy Happy Ricky Schroder Day indeed!!! :)

WAHOOOOOOO! I'm so happy!!! SUCCESS!!! After a lifelong crush on the man, I finally got my picture with Ricky Schroder (and I didn't pass out or anything). It worked out really well - I happened to see him come into the building and went to say something (I was standing almost directly in front of him), but froze, of course. He said, "Hi" and I said, "Can I get a picture with you?" and he said, "Sure." Thank goodness he said hi first, because I may have just stood there dumb and frozen if he hadn't. After we took the pictures, we were walking down the hall and I showed him my rubber black bracelets and told him it was my "tribute to The Ricker." He thought that was so cool and showed them to his wife. Then he asked if he started to sing the theme song from Silver Spoons, would I sing along? I said, "Of course! I've got it on my iPod!" I also told him our pic was going to be my Christmas card (how could it NOT be?!?!) and he said that was sweet. I'm so happy about getting the picture and that it all went so well. What a relief! :) His talk was amazing - he totally cried and melted my heart. His wife's talk was great, as well. What a great day!!! :)


  1. You are my hero. Wow he looks good.

  2. I'm totally laughing, because I saw a comment you posted on another blog & I thought "dang, her husband looks just like Ricky Schroder". So I clicked over to your blog to see if you had other pictures of your "husband" so I could see if he really did look that much like Ricky. LOL! I just have to say I'm really jealous :-)

  3. lol your cracking me up here! And lookie there is Amy's post! Ha ha what a very smallllll world!!!! CONGRATS with your pictures!! That is just awesome!

  4. What the heck? You keep in touch with Tangie? How did I not know that? So, yes, I did live on the 5th floor of DT in '91-'92.
    How funny to randomly re-connect with you via a Ricky Schroder picture/post!
