Monday, May 19, 2008

Hello, Sugar!

It should come as no surprise to anyone who knows me that I tend to get a *wee* bit obsessed with things I love (as evidenced by my very public adoration of the color pink, flamingos, Hello Kitty, and Ricky Schroder, just to name a few). That being said, I'm happy to introduce my latest obsession - Hello, Sugar! shimmer lotion. Behold, it's loveliness:
Bath and Body Works must be some sort of evil. How do they manage to come up with scents that cause me to lose my mind? Several years ago, I fell in love with Vanilla Bean Noel, a Christmas scent that they threatened not to bring back every season (but they did, those bastards). You see, when they threaten things like that, I go into full-fledged panic mode and must buy up every last bottle of lotion - which I justify by saying it's planning for the future (ironically, while I'm fully stocked up on lotion, my food storage is non-existent). This is no different, as it's a "limited edition" scent that they've ALREADY pulled from all the stores in Salt Lake City (trust me, I went to every freaking mall in the valley on a mad search for more). My sister, bless her heart, went and found it in Arizona (since they're not jerks in Arizona and still have it in stores), and then had each of the kids give me a bottle for my birthday. Sadly, one of those bottles was CONFISCATED at the airport (don't even get me started on that story, because I may start screaming profanities again...not that I'd EVER scream profanities or anything...but I mentioned this scent makes me lose my mind, correct?). Still, I have 16 bottles of Hello, Sugar! shimmer lotion in my bathroom as we speak. Obsess much? (It's going away! I have to stock up). Hopefully it won't lose its scent (a luxurious combination of lemon and vanilla mixed in with sparkling glitter which never ceases to put a smile on my face - I whole-heartedly believe that glitter can save the world) the way my 500 bottles (slight exaggeration, but not by much) of Vanilla Bean Noel did (again, Bath and Body Works are a bunch of bastards).

1 comment:

  1. It has to be a great lotion it has such a groovy logo.
