Friday, May 23, 2008

Hair's the thing

I must have the thickest hair in the world. I'm trying to grow it out, which is great, except for the fact that by about noon every day it feels so heavy on my head I want to cut it off. By lunchtime my hair's in either a ponytail or a bun (yes, it's quite stunning rocking the granny look). When I get home, the first thing I do is put it up. Off my face. Off my neck. Out of sight for the rest of the night. What I can't seem to understand is where all my scrunchies go??? I swear they must sprout legs and run away. Perhaps they're in cahoots with the missing socks when I do laundry...because no matter how many packets and packets of the stupid scrunchies I buy, one by one they vanish into thin air. Of course, if I happen to come home with some stupid rubber band from work that I only used out of pure necessity, that piece of crap is readily accessible to put my hair up with whenever I need it (sadly, it also pulls out a handful of hair with it when it comes out).

On a separate note, I'm going to see The Cure tonight. I'm so excited! I need to go home and fix my hair, as it's having a bad hair day.

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