Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Ex Factor

I woke up this morning to a call from my neverending ex-boyfriend (or, as my BFF calls him, "Dead Man" since I go through phases where I say he's dead to me). He was calling because he'd just had a big fight with his girlfriend and wanted my opinion about what was going on. Now, considering we've been friends for over half my life, I'm usually happy to help out with whatever he needs. But talking about a girlfriend, someone he can finally commit to (something he never seemed able to do with me), and listening to their "great" dinners, dates, and how he wants to introduce her to his friends is a bit awkward for me to listen to. I don't want to say I'm unwilling to help or listen, because I do want to be a good friend, and to a point I was flattered that I was the first person he called. But it's definitely challenging for me to listen to his lovelife. Considering I finally realized he and I will NEVER work out (which was a huge revelation for me, even though the rest of the world already knew that), I thought this type of thing would be easier. I seem to be wrong there.

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