Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Bachelorette

First things first - in general, I am NOT a reality TV show watcher. You're never going to catch me checking out the latest barbs from Simon, seeing which stars are dancing the tango, or caring about stupid people stranded on an island. I don't care if someone thinks they can dance, gets swapped by their husband, or races all over the world on a scavenger hunt. Not for me. Give me ER, The Office, Grey's Anatomy, or some other formulaic comedy and/or drama any day of the week. Those I enjoy. Those make me happy. Those I look forward to and watch way more than I should. Oh, OK, you caught me. I do enjoy Last Comic Standing...but just the stand-up acts, not the stupid house drama. That being said, line up 25 random bachelors and bachelorettes all vying for a rose and I'm all over it. Even though they never work out in the end (and really, like less than five couples have actually ever worked out), I still can't get enough. I think there may be one or two seasons I didn't watch (because I didn't like the guy who was the Bachelor), but otherwise I've seen them all. This weekend gave me the perfect time to catch up on the new season of The Bachelorette....can I just say WOW?! Those guys are the biggest tools! I love DeAnna (I don't care what you think, Shmeg and Buffy), but they really need to stop playing her rejection and scenes with Brad over and over. Brad must be ticked how much he's on the show. Granted, he was a jerk who didn't deserve her, but still.
So far, here are the ones I can't stand:

I'm so glad Ryan got booted. How are these other two still around (especially Twilley - he gives me the heebie jeebies)? It boggles the mind.
These are my current faves (although I hope she doesn't boot Jason for having a kid - he's super dreamy).
What on earth was up with these guys? Poor little Luke (the oyster farmer) actually CRIED at the Rose Ceremony. Come on, honey, pull it together. You knew her for like two seconds. And Greg referring to himself in the third person and then ripping off his shirt Hulk-style? Too much! Obviously, I'm already way too invested in this stupid show.

1 comment:

  1. Okay - so I am so stoked that you are blogging this. I am so embarrassed that I like this show, it is my guilty pleasure. I agree with your reaction 100% and I think DeAnna has been right on with who she has sent home. I like her better on this show than I did the Bachelor. She is growing on me. Keep blogging every Tuesday am...I will be reading!
