Wednesday, May 28, 2008

And the prognosis is....

Yee-haw, kiss your grandma!! :) My beloved little car will live to ride again. The dealership called and said that Wal-mart (yes, I get my oil changed at Wal-mart) failed to put my air filter back on right, which is what set off the sensor. They also had a few oil change, spark plugs, a new battery, new wipers, and cleaning my fuel injectors (whatever those are). I approved some of the suggestions, not all, since I figured spark plugs and a battery are always good to have and I needed an oil change anyway. The rest of the suggestions can wait.
As for my road trip....I'm driving to Yakima, Washington to visit my BFF. We're planning on watching the last season of Friends and Seinfeld and then go to see the new Sex and the City movie. He's been bugging me to visit forever, so now that the ice has melted and the roads are safe, I'm on my way! Should be fun to get out of the city and see a new place. Plus, he's been holding my snow globes hostage (he buys me snow globes on his many travels, but won't send them until I come visit).


  1. That is good news about the car. Have a great trip. We will need many pics.

  2. Walmart sucks! But strangely I find myself shopping there all the time. Today, though, I found myself yelling at the manager after Andrea, the bee-otch in electronics, was rude to me. Imagine that, a Walmart employee with a bad attitude. I asked the manager if he was going to piss away a customer over $6. Don't tell my wife about it, though, cuz she hates it when I get mad at people.

  3. glad to hear all is well with the your wheels. have a fabulous trip and make good use of the new camera. loved the poem by the way.

  4. Yay for cars that work and a diagnosis that isn't expensive to boot!
